Peripheral Vision Reset

Need a quick coping tool to reset your brain?
Try a Peripheral Vision Reset
  • Lie down or sit with an elongated spine
      • Make sure your back is as straight as possible
    • Turn your head slowly to the right then the left, making note of your range of motion
    • Reach both hands above your head and bring them down to interlock fingers behind your head
    • Without moving your head, look as far to the right as you can and hold it for 30 seconds
      • This may feel like your eyes are straining, but that’s normal
    • Repeat looking to the left for 30 seconds
    • Bring your arms down and rotate your neck
      • You may feel dizzy for a moment
    • Turn your head slowly to the right then the left, making note of your range of motion
      • If your range of motion isn’t close to equal on each side, wait 5 minutes and repeat
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